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Decentralized PKI-based Zero-touch IoT Provisioning

Decentralized PKI-based Zero-touch IoT Provisioning


With 25.4 billion IoT devices expected by 2030, handling the security of such large volumes at a minimal operational cost will be challenging. As per reports, 80% of the IoT installations need the flashing of third-party PKI certificates on the devices, followed by a truck roll, which can be tricky in the current scenario.

HSC’s DPKI-based IoT provisioning is a zero-touch onboarding solution for IoT devices that automates fast and secure device provisioning to any IoT platform. It enables the device owner to select the IoT platform at a late stage in the device life cycle, which unlocks deployment flexibility. The Decentralized nature helps with easy and secure management of device & server keys and certificates without relying on a central authority to check and perform key rotation and revocation.


Zero touch IoT Provisioning e1664198711559

Zero-touch IoT Provisioning

Secure Device Registration e1664198790107

Secure Device Registration

IoT Platform Agnostic e1664198814545

IoT Platform Agnostic

TLS based Security e1664198856228

TLS-based Security

Automated CertificateKey Management e1664198875666

Automated Certificate/Key Management

Decentralizes Root of Trust e1664198917294

Decentralizes Root of Trust

Policy Driven Certificate Provisioning e1664198981359

Policy-Driven Certificate Provisioning

Cloud based Certificate Issuance e1664199031403

Cloud-based Certificate Issuance

  • It introduces “Late Binding” that allows IoT devices to register at connection time. This reduces the burden of registering the device with an IoT platform at the time of manufacturing, eliminating vendor lock-in as well
  • It eliminates reliance on a centralized certificate authority (CA) for issuing certificates and the vulnerabilities associated with any node in a CA hierarchy
  • Device identity can be updated at regular intervals, avoiding the need for re-provisioning IoT devices since it decouples certificates from public keys

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