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Network Automation A Proactive Way to Identifying and Resolving Network Issues

Network Automation – A Proactive Way to Identify and Resolve Network Issues

In today’s changing landscape, the need for robust and error-free networks is more critical than ever. Network reliability and performance are paramount for businesses of all sizes. Network administrators face the challenge of managing increasingly complex infrastructures while ensuring minimal downtime and swift issue resolution.

In this scenario, network automation can become the savior. Network automation has emerged as a solution that simplifies network management, minimizes errors, and optimizes overall efficiency.

So, what exactly is network automation? How can automated systems aid in identifying network errors? Let’s delve into this transformative technology.

Understanding Network Automation

Network automation utilizes automated processes and tools for managing, configuring, provisioning, and troubleshooting network devices. Network automation is like having a digital assistant for your network, as it simplifies how we manage, set up, and repair network devices. Instead of manually configuring each device, which can be time-consuming and error-prone, automation depends on intelligent processes and technologies.

For instance, if a network problem arises, automation can detect and resolve it without human interaction. Let us consider it similar to a self-repairing system that detects problems, such as a traffic jam on the road, and takes action to fix them. This would eventually lead to lesser downtime and happier users, resulting from the speed and efficiency of identifying and resolving network problems.

Importance of Network Automation

In today’s complex enterprise networks, where connectivity is the lifeblood of enterprises and organizations, the importance of network automation cannot be emphasized enough. It has become the backbone of effective, dependable, and agile network management.

Let us look at how network automation has become indispensable for several reasons:


Contemporary networks are complex ecosystems with a wide range of Devices, configurations, security protocols, switches, routers, and firewalls. Manually administrating such complex networks would take a lot of time and is prone to error.


As businesses expand, so do their networks, which makes network scalability an absolute necessity today. Scalability is ensured by automation without an equivalent rise in administrative burden.


Automated activities can be completed in seconds compared to the hours or days needed to configure the network manually.


Compared to solely relying on manual configurations, automation ensures consistency in network configurations, lowering the possibility of human error.

Automated Systems for Diagnosing Network Errors

Networking diagnostics, if done manually, can be a big headache. Network errors can disrupt online meetings, slow download speeds, or even cut off critical data access. To tackle issues like these, automated systems are helping to revolutionize network diagnostics and reduce human-induced error.

Let’s take a closer look at these innovative technologies that are revolutionizing Network Automation:

Zero-Touch Provisioning – Instant Network Setup

Setting up a new device on your network has become extremely easy with Zero-Touch Provisioning. You can plug in the new device through Zero-Touch Provisioning and watch the automated system do the rest. There is no need for manual intervention as the system promptly recognizes the device and performs all the configurations. This process is similar to your phone automatically connecting to Wi-Fi with little to no effort from your end. It enables quick onboarding of a device or site, simplifying the network’s scalability.

Configuration, Deployment, and Testing Automation:

Automation is essential for simplifying network management tasks. It’s like having a team of dedicated assistants that handle configuring, deploying, and testing network components tirelessly. These automated systems can handle routine tasks such as setting up routers, switches, and firewalls to ensure smooth operations. They can also efficiently deploy updates and security patches across your network to reduce vulnerabilities. It’s like having an efficient assembly line for your network where repetitive tasks are completed swiftly, accurately, and consistently. It allows your IT teams to focus on more strategic initiatives instead.

Script-Based Network Automation

Using Languages like Python and tools like Ansible for Network Automation can help in writing scripts that automate intricate and complex network tasks that may be very time-consuming if done manually. It’s like having a virtual assistant who can perform tasks accurately based on your network requirements. For instance, if you want to ensure that every device on your network gets the latest security update, a script can do that for you consistently and quickly.

Software-Based Network Automation

Imagine having a central hub that effortlessly manages, monitors, and configures all your network operations. This remarkable capability is provided by software-based network automation tools like Cisco Prime, Cisco DNAC (Cisco Digital Network Archite­cture Controller), LiveAction, SolarWinds, etc. With these tools functioning as your network’s command center, you can easily navigate its intricacies using user-friendly interfaces. It’s like having a cutting-edge dashboard that provides a clear overview of your network’s health and performance. By utilizing these tools, you can ensure optimal network ope­ration and promptly address any emerging issues.

AI-Enabled Service Operations:

AI is revolutionizing network automation and bringing numerous advantages. One of the most impressive benefits is predictive maintenance. By analyzing network data and identifying patterns, AI systems can foresee trends such as increased traffic during certain hours. Consequently, additional resources are automatically allocated to ensure uninterrupted service. Essentially, it’s like having an intelligent network assistant that learns from past experiences and takes proactive me­asures to prevent slowdowns or outages during peak periods. This predictive capability significantly improves both the reliability and performance of the network.

Intent-Based Network Automation – AI-based and AI-enabled

Intent-Based Networking (IBN) allows you to converse with your network, expressing your needs in simple language and delivering them precisely.

Here’s how it works: Imagine you manage an e-commerce website and want to ensure seamless checkouts for your increased number of customers during the holiday season. You communicate this intent with IBN, and the system handles everything else. It configures the network to prioritize checkout traffic, allocates additional bandwidth, and optimizes routing paths. It’s like instructing your network to provide seamless customer checkout experiences during the holidays; it flawlessly follows those instructions.
The IBN eliminates the requirement for extensive technical expertise and manual configuration. As a result, network management becomes more accessible and in line with business objectives. This ground-breaking approach improves flexibility, reduces human errors, and guarantees consistent network support for evolving business demands.

In summary, network automation is transforming the world of network management by streamlining operations, reducing errors, and proactively addressing issues. This game-changing technology empowers businesses to achieve more efficient and reliable network performance. These automated systems for diagnosing network errors are not just tools; they represent the future of network management.

As we navigate the path to the future, having a reliable partner by your side becomes increasingly essential. At HSC, we provide exceptional Network Infrastructure and Engineering Services (NIES) that harness cutting-edge solutions in network automation.

By choosing HSC, you’re integrating network automation and embracing a future where your network operates more inte­lligently and efficiently. As networks become more complex, partnering with HSC, which offers Network Automation as a Service, will help you stay ahead in this digital area.

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