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Revolutionizing Business By Using Android Technology

To survive, businesses must find innovative ways to stay competitive in their market. Not only is this true for their products and services, but also for the technology used internally within a company. When many people think of Android technology, they might think of the app store, some project management sites, and a means for checking email during an extended lunch. But embedded Android technology wields so much more power than a productivity checklist app. And if you don’t already know about it, you definitely should. So here are just a few ways businesses are leveraging the value of Android to operate smarter than their competition.


Airplane Mode


Virgin Atlantic took the reports showing that the number of people traveling by plane is skyrocketing, but the experience of flying has been relatively unchanged, and did something about it. The always forward-thinking Virgin Airlines introduced a program for testing where passengers upon check-in, and even arrival, at the airport (first class) would receive Google Glass, which as we know, is powered by Android. The wearable technology would let passengers know about flight changes, destination information, and everything else Google Glass has to offer.

Drone Home

Companies like Yelp, Domino’s, and most famously have been touting drone technology as the future of delivery. The idea of drones buzzing around overhead is difficult for some to accept but it’s impossible to ignore. And the technology is in a rapid growth and adoption phase. Using GPS information, packages can be delivered to houses within a ten mile radius of most city centers. Android technology combined with radio frequency identifier tags can verify a safe delivery, grab a signature, and return to the Amazon (Yelp, Domino’s, etc.) base. Using facial recognition technology drones could double-verify through an operator that the package is being delivered to the correct person.

Amazon office

Power Up

Running on treadmill

Between WODs (Workout of the Day), reps, and sets, it can be difficult to track one’s routine. Fitness companies like CrossFit, P90X and others are creating detailed analysis of workouts on Android Apps likeBeyond the Whiteboard and Workout Hero. These apps track progress in these high-intensity, and often-high result, workouts. Additionally, fitness companies are using wearable technology such as FitBit and the Fuel Band to help assist in measurement. Of course, these measurements for a fitness program, team sport, or individual tracking are not too valuable if you don’t know how to interpret and iterate based on the information given. Still, this technology can create a sense of community when shared with other users. Game theory comes into play as more and more community members strive for top results in their age bracket, weight category, geographic location etc. Give users more valuable data about what your program does for them? Check. Foster greater product-engagement? Check, again.

Salesforce changed the game in software as a service. Complete an online request for information on and your phone will ring minutes after with a friendly representative asking how they can help. But the powerhouse CRM is certainly not complacent with its success so far. Like many other progressive companies, they’re using Android open source to tap the brains of creators, entrepreneurs, and developers to build new ways to connect applications with the CRM hardware.

The future of business can be hard to predict, but one thing is for sure – Android technology is going to be a part of it, in a very big way.

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