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The Co-Existence Of Multi-RATs: A Look At How Radio Access Technology Keeps Us Connected

Networks Wireless Engineering

January 21, 2015

Radio access technology has changed the way we go about our business, both at work and at play. With increasing demands to stay connected, we cannot rely on just one type of technology to keep us online. The good news is, today’s wireless environment is possible because multiple Radio Access Technologies (RATs) can co-exist, many working seamlessly on a single device. With all of these technologies working simultaneously, there are some challenges presented by the ever-changing world of wireless technology. The development of new connected devices, new types of RATs, and increasing demand for data means that we’re nowhere near the end of this evolution. HSC is committed to staying on top of industry trends, standards, and progress in the wireless technology development industry. To help explain the current state of RATs, as well as where it looks like things are headed, we’ve created an infographic that illustrates the co-existence of multiple radio access technologies as it stands today. Check it out below!

The Co-Existence Of Multi-RATs: A Look At How Radio Access Technology Keeps Us Connected

The Co-Existence Of Multi-RATs: A Look At How Radio Access Technology Keeps Us Connected

The Co-Existence Of Multi-RATs: A Look At How Radio Access Technology Keeps Us Connected


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