Have you ever wondered what made things smart?
The answer is Embedded Systems. These microprocessor-based computer systems built into a system or product are the hidden “smarts” behind all the devices we use, the cars we drive, the planes we fly on, and the trains we ride in.
Turnkey Product Development skills for Linux & Android Systems
HSC works with various hardware partners around the world to provide both Software and Hardware solutions. This helps our OEM customers rely on us to help them conceptualize, prototype, productize and manufacture their next-generation products.
Summary of our turnkey product skills in embedded systems are:
- Create reference platform architecture specifications which include recommendations on board architecture, SoC selection (Freescale/TI/MediaTek/others), feature selection based on BOM targets for customers
- Work with partners to develop prototype Hardware boards to develop proof of concept solutions for the customer
- Modify and enhance Android and Linux subsystems to meet customer features
- Work with partners to mass produce OEM devices ready for deployment, including developing plastic/metal casings as need be
Our Expertise
Some of the areas where HSC has worked in the embedded systems engineering space are:
- Connected Car Dashboard development
- Driving Intelligence software
- BTLE-based beacon development based on EddyStone protocol
- Custom ROMs for Android and Linux for specific devices (healthcare devices, Infotainment units, Business IP Phones etc.)
- Embedded systems Industrial and Building controller development based on stock Linux and Android tablets
- Working with OEMs to transform a stock tablet into an ethernet-capable enterprise IP phone complete with unified calling and other enterprise features
- Building a Fixed Mobile Convergence (VoIP/CS) client which is embedded into Android’s telephony stack, instead of a limited feature user space VoIP application
- Reducing Android footprint for embedded devices