The traditional broadcast center has given way to the emergence of the revolutionary Internet Protocol for digital transmission of audio as well as video. Content owners can now leverage on OTT delivery mechanism to distribute their content. They have further realized that with the advent of second screen,digital technologies and the ubiquitous social media, there is an opportunity to engage with the customer at multiple touch points using a wide array of multimedia devices.
HSC has been an early adopter for both IPTV and OTT software design and architecture and has helped several customers deploy successful products in this space, both in the network and client side. HSC’s expertise in the end-end video delivery system is briefly highlighted in the illustration below.
If you are a content owner and would rather like to focus on your content management and production, HSC will be your reliable software development partner. Our cutting edge multimedia solutions will help you develop, test and maintain digital experience of your customers without your having to worry on the
If you are a content owner and already have a partial OTT solution in place; do you find it difficult to juggle between the content management and advancements in technology? HSC will have you covered. Our unique end-to-end OTT implementation will only help extend your own platform in-house and keep it up-
to-date with multiple devices, feature enhancements and testing etc.
If you are a commercial grade OTT services provider, MiddleWare solutions provider or a Content Owner and would like to measure
the effectiveness of your streaming services, HSC has a tailor-made solution for you. As part of the Echostar/Sling TV group of companies, Hughes Systique has done significant work in the area of Adaptive Bitrate Streaming analysis and QoE measurement for many providers. Our blog on why QoE is the dire for OTT services explains this further. Interested to know more about our QoE IPR?